Food Trucks

Papeete, and Tahiti in general is famous for its food trucks, known locally as Roulottes (which in French means something like cart).
The food trucks these days usually consist of a large truck of some kind, fitted out with all kinds of cooking equipment capable of making quite an array of food.
The trucks are not content with just selling take-away snacks to passers by, but instead setup tables and chairs in the parking lot nearby and allow people to have a full sit down meal.
In Papeete, the main place to find these things are in a little square between the main dock and the marina. Depending on the day, and the time of day you could expect to find 5 to 30 open for business.
The usual setup time is around 5pm, and they go on until around 10pm or so.
The price of meals at these trucks is lower than the average restaurant or snack bar, but still pretty expensive by any world standard. (See our price guide for details).
The food quality varies by price and location. In the main area of Papeete, expect the best and more pricey options. If you head out into the other towns around the island such as Faa’a and Punaauia you might find cheaper options where the food quality will vary.
Often where there is a parking lot by day, at night it will be specifically reserved for these little mobile restaurants to operate.