Monthly Horoscopes May 2024
Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
The planets are lined up in the personal income section of your Solar Chart calling for an annual audit of your personal finances. The recent April Eclipse season is likely to have shaken you personally. So now you have to make practical decisions based on your values. It may be time to use your rainy-day funds, or perhaps you need to find ways to boost your health and personal wealth. Either way, you are assimilating matters to do with values, esteem and income.
Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
May starts in Taurus season sparking celebrations of a personal nature. Of course, this could be your birthday, but it can also be the celebration of a very personal achievement. This is your ‘me, myself and I’ month. Your social life takes a serious turn, with an older friend upsetting the balance. It’s time to redress any imbalances by expanding your personal horizons, knowing that you have the resources to support you.
Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)
Inactivity is not a word usually linked to Gemini, but May is your annual recharge the batteries month. So, if ever you were to slow down then now is the time. Working behind the scenes is another possibility – withdrawing to focus on a cherished project. The idea is to take time out now to complete one cycle before starting your new birthday year. On another note, misunderstandings at work, or an older person’s white anting tactics will soon pass.
Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)
This month you get by with a little help from your friends. You are celebrating your community through friendships, new and old, and groups and clubs. An important connection is likely to be formed in May, one that helps you see your destiny more clearly. This is also a ‘pay it forward’ month during which you light up those who enter your world with random acts of kindness.
Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)
You shine in your profession in May. Recognition comes for your achievements in your chosen career. This is because people in high places note your reputation and reward your efforts. You are also likely to get a chance to speak publicly, write, public or travel as a result of your experience in the workplace. A prominent woman makes an unexpected entrance or exit, influencing your life direction.
Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
Foreign countries are highlighted in May. This could be because you are travelling, or perhaps you have friends or relatives visiting. It’s also possible that you immerse yourself in a study course, film festival or cultural or religious events with overseas connections. Teaching and study are also highlighted. Whatever your personal scenario, the idea is to stop sweating the details and broaden your horizons. This is a big picture month.
Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
‘Gone with the Wind’ is a golden oldie book and film. Author Margaret Mitchell is quoted as saying: “Death, taxes and childbirth! There’s never any convenient time for them.” This is a quote that is likely to be front and centre in your mind this month. This is because the planets are lined up in the 8th House of your Solar chart which deals with birth, death, taxes and other people’s money. Your diplomacy skills are required in all of these areas in May.
Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)
Relationships are the focus in May. This could be your connection with a significant partner, or possibly a business associate. Money matters are likely to be a key factor as you make a big decision, or your financial situation shifts. Singletons may be surprised by a new love interest. Married Scorpios note a change in a partner’s situation. Either way, Taurus Season opens a door with new opportunities to enhance your closest unions.
Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)
Changes are afoot at work. This is not your profession, but rather your workaday life. It’s possible that your workplace is shifting with office rearrangements and workers coming and going. Or it’s you who make decisions that offer a better work/life balance. Coworkers may surprise you, offering support or stepping away from a toxic situation. Whatever your personal scenario, the fact is that you are ready to step away from situations that are stressful on a daily basis. You are ready to enjoy your work.
Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Organisation consultant Marie Kondo has become famous for her suggestions to minimise mess by arranging material items according to whether they ‘spark joy’ or not. This is your month to be creative and to assess all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual matters on the basis of whether they ‘spark joy’ or not. You are usually more focussed on fulfilling your obligations. But this month you have the perfect excuse to have fun. Let go and lighten your load.
Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
Household expenses come under scrutiny this month. Something or someone may have blown the budget. For instance, an unexpected maintenance job may have triggered your concerns and your assessment of running costs. Or perhaps you just have a feeling that it’s time to focus on the general living expenses of your household on a per-person basis. Food, utilities, transport and such like recurring costs are highlighted.
Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the long-running Aussie tv series ‘Neighbours’ was true to life with everyone getting along well, more or less, and helping and supporting each other. This may be the case for you this month. However, it’s also possible that disputes with neighbours need to be resolved. Think back. How did you resolve disputes with your siblings? Or were you an only child, feeling isolated? These feelings can be faced, and you can move forward with positive relationships with both siblings and neighbours. Or perhaps it’s time to move away?
Monthly Horoscopes April 2024
Aries (March 21st - April 19th)
It’s a new year for the Rams of the Zodiac. The Sun is in Aries marking a new astrological cycle and new beginnings. You have plenty of initiative, and love to move on quickly, avoiding boredom. So, the question is: ‘what’s next?’ An influx or outflow of personal funds may help you decide and start a new personal chapter. A Solar Eclipse on April 8 in your Zodiac Sign is also a springboard for change.
Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)
The old Scottish saying, ‘the best-laid plans’ go awry, could be your motto in April because much is happening behind the scenes to disrupt your plans. April is your go with the flow month, one in which you can take a step back and reassess the past year before celebrating a new cycle around the sun when Taurus season begins. Pushing your own agenda could prove fateful. If possible, an indulgent health or spa retreat could be the answer.
Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)
Social matters are your theme for April. This could be a need for companionship, catching up with friends, old and new, or socialising with workmates. Or a special occasion may take precedence. You may have several big occasions on your calendar. A Solar Eclipse on April 8 lights up the social sector of your Solar Chart sparking awareness of your hopes, dreams an wishes and who in your community continues to offer support.
Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)
This time of year is ideal for a stocktake of your professional goals and achievements. It’s time to recognise your own efforts, whether or not they are recognised by others. Have you been shouldering your professional responsibilities successfully? Are you steering a steady course towards your true north? Or do you need to make adjustments? The Solar Eclipse on April 8 lights up the public sector of your Solar Chart helping you see your next steps more clearly.
Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)
The Sun plays an important role in the lives of Leos. And so, the Solar Eclipse on April 8 is no small event, particularly if you are near its path. This cosmic event lights up your Solar Chart helping you see the big picture. Everyday chores take second place as you contemplate bigger issues such as world events, metaphysical matters, and the cycle of life. Private moments of grief may also quietly come and go as you come to terms with past memories.
Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
It’s time to replace the old with the new. Anything that no longer works need to be recycled, throw out or given away. A Solar Eclipse on April 8 lights up the recycling centre of your Solar Chart providing an excellent opportunity to declutter your life. As a true Virgo you may already lead a frugal, minimalistic lifestyle. Nevertheless, look around. In particular, is your bookwork up to date? Do you need to streamline your finances?
Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)
Relationships, like gardens, need constant tending to stay healthy and bloom. As a Libra you know this, but some things are out of your control. And the Solar Eclipse on April 8 bring to light relationship matters that have escaped your attention. Your nearest and dearest may be restless, wanting to break free of everyday routines. It could also be you who is agitated. Although this is likely a temporary situation, it highlights issues that need to be addressed.
Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)
Taking part in water activities boosts your health and wellbeing in April as this month highlights the need to focus on your health. You could take part in water classes at a nearby pool or go further afield to the beach or lake. Swimming, diving, sailing and kayaking are a few options. If all else fails perhaps install a small water feature in your living quarters. The idea is to calm and soothe for good health in April.
Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)
You are destined to have fun in April, but not far from home. Household duties, and perhaps visitors, demand a focus on home and family. So, you find ways to be creative and playful in your own private world. You can write, teach, or be artistic at home. Or you could enjoy being creative with decorating your abode, or filling your garden with colour. Children may play a more prominent role this month, helping you discover ways to be more spontaneous.
Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
A positive mindset goes a long way for you in April. You need to avoid being stubborn, and to also do all that you can to focus on positive matters. A dismal outlook could upset your equilibrium and your private life. April is your month to find activities that improve your mental health and your enjoyment of home and family. You may also benefit from carrying out some home improvement, especially tasks that improve connections with neighbours.
Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
April sees you brimming with bright ideas. Your motto could be ‘’a busy mind is a happy heart’. Your only challenge is whether or not these bright ideas cost a lot. Your budget may not be as big as your plans. If this is the case then you can write a list of priorities, and plan a timeline. You may also enjoy creating a vision board to help you manifest your desires.
Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)
Self-discipline goes a long way for Pisces in April. This is your month to learn to put yourself first, to take responsibility for caring and loving yourself. Planets lining up in Pisces call for self-soothing. Your finances also need monitoring. The trick is to take steps to improve your self-worth, and slowly work towards your personal goals, growing your self-esteem and income. You can also ask for help and support from those closest to you.
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